Wheelchair Battery Maintenace - Mini Checklist Guide

Wheelchair batteries are one of the most important parts of your wheelchair. Without them, you would be unable to move. That’s why it’s so important to know how to maintain them.

Wheelchair batteries require very little maintenance, but there are a few things you can do to prolong their life and keep them working properly.

1. Read the manufacturer’s instructions carefully. This is the best way to find out how to properly care for your batteries. Each type of battery is different and requires specific care.

2. Keep them clean. Batteries can build up dirt and grime over time, which can reduce their performance. Use a soft cloth to wipe them down regularly.

3. Store them in a cool, dry place. Batteries should never be stored in direct sunlight or in extreme temperatures as it may shorten it's lifespan due to battery cell damage. Also avoid letting your batteries completely discharge before recharging them as it may cause unnecessary strain on the battery and will shorten its lifespan.

4. Charge them regularly. Depending on the type of battery, you may need to charge them daily or weekly. It’s important not to let the battery power run too low, as this can also damage the cells.

By following these simple tips, you can keep your wheelchair batteries in good condition and make sure they last for many years to come!

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